If your university offers to house, you may be eligible for a discount based on the number of credits you take or whether or not you live in an honors dorm. Find out more about what benefits are available and if it’s worth making that call so that finding Off Campus...
Apartments Rentals
Icon Buckhead Offers Luxurious Apartments For Rent In Atlanta At Reasonable Price
At Icon Buckhead, we offer Luxurious Apartments for Rent at reasonable prices in Atlanta. Our Every Apartment has incredible amenities designed to perfectly complement life in Atlanta’s most sought-after neighborhood. Feel free to contact us to book your tour.
Selecting Best NC State Off Campus Housing At Redpoint Raleigh
Redpoint Raleigh is a unique cottage community designed near NC State students, in a convenient location just minutes from campus. Enjoy Off Campus Housing with complete lifestyle, including pool, fitness center, luxury clubhouse with golf simulator & game rooms,...
Finding Oklahoma State University Student Apartments – Alight Stillwater
Students often find themselves in the position of needing to find a place to live that is close to their university campus. This can prove challenging, especially when they don’t have any experience with this type of living situation. If you’re searching for Oklahoma...
Living in Student Apartments in Oklahoma Help With Stress – Alight Norman
Student apartments near OU come with a hammock garden, an outdoor pavilion with a fireplace, and a 24-hour fitness center. All of these are great places to escape your friends and give yourself a chance to rest. Being stressed in college is not healthy, but there are...